How do I connect to the Novell drives (U - Personal and S - Shared) on my personal, non-Denison, Windows computer?
IMPORTANT: In order to connect to your Novell drives, you must be connected to Denison's network (on-campus users must connect to Eduroam). If you are off-campus, you will have to first use Remote Access (see FAQ 1221 to connect to our VPN).
  1. Open Windows Explorer. (Windows 10: Click the file folder icon in the Windows taskbar or from the Start menu, select File Explorer; Windows 7: From the Start menu, select Computer).
  2. In the location box at the top, enter the desired server path from the list below. 
  3. You will be prompted to log in. Choose Other and then Use a Different Account. Enter your BigRedID (User Name) and password. The contents of the drive should now display in the window.
  4. Drag the icon to the left of server path in the location bar to Favorites at the top of the lefthand column. The folder or server volume name will appear in the Favorites list. 
  5. Right-click on the folder or server volume name under Favorites and choose Rename. Enter the recommended favorite name from the list below and press the enter key.
  6. Repeat for as many drives as you wish to access.

You will now be able to access these drives by clicking the links in the Favorites list in Libraries. You will be prompted to log in the first time you access each drive in any given session.

Server Addresses and Recommended Favorite Names:

PERSONAL (U) drive:
  • STUDENT Server path: \\\personal\yourBigRedID (change yourBigRedID to your BigRedID, eg. sample_j1)
  • FACULTY/STAFF Server path: \\\personal\yourBigRedID (change yourBigRedID to your BigRedID, eg. samplej)
  • Recommended favorite name: U drive

SHARED (S) drive:

MEDIA (M) drive:
  • Server path: \\\media
  • Recommended favorite name: M drive

SCRATCH (W) drive -- faculty/staff only:
  • Server path: \\\scratch
  • Recommended favorite name: W drive

Last reviewed/updated on 11/22/2019
Attachments : 
WinDrives_Mapping.PNG   (35.6 KB)